Library Collections & Catalog

Library Collections & Catalog
Curriculum Materials Center

The Curriculum Materials Center (CMC), a division of the University of Central Florida Libraries, is located in the Education Building. The CMC provides representative K-12 materials for preview, review, analysis and circulation, primarily to the students and faculty of the College of Education (COE). The CMC plays a unique and integral role in the educational process of current and future educators. All UCF students are welcome to use the CMC facilities. For more information on the CMC please visit this web site

How do I find out what the library owns?

The CMC collections are indexed in LUIS, the UCF Library Catalog. CMC materials are identified in LUIS records by CMC in the location field next to the call number. Most CMC materials circulate to any UCF student, faculty or staff member with a current UCF I. D.

The CMC houses a K-12 collection which is being expanded with a particular effort to foster global and multicultural education and to encourage an appreciation of the values of racial, ethnic, social and cultural diversity. The individual collections contain fiction, non-fiction, and reference materials, books, videos, audio materials, and CD-ROM's. The CMC has a textbook collection, a test collection, professional materials, Kappa Delta Pi materials, posters, a vertical file and a picture file.

Does the library own videos, CDs, records, and other media?

The CMC comfortably seats 40 students at study tables. In addition, the center provides a number of computer stations for previewing educational software, for using multimedia applications, and for accessing LUIS. Two photocopy machines are located in the CMC. Video, audio, and production facilities are available for student use in the CMC labs.